Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Workouts and Wunderhunde

I am laying in bed as I type, and I'm not sure I could get up if I wanted to. I'm aching in places I forgot had muscle, namely behind my knees and those darn hamstrings...

I had a moment of pure frustration my first day back on the program. I took to several networking sites I'm a member of to publicly cry my disdain.

"Today I want to smash Tony Horton in the face. Screw you and your banana rolls. How 'bout you take that sphinx push-up of yours and shove it where the sun don't shine?" 

Not precisely what I wanted to say...the vulgarities were flying out my mouth and to the unresponsive TV through most of the workout, but censorship was deemed necessary due to the nature of company I keep on Facebook and elsewhere. No need to scare the world with my rage and hate for superman and bananas immediately after a terrible workout. Might look a bit crazed, no? Hah!

On top of my new dedication to P90X, I've been picking up shifts at work. There have been several 12 hour days and overtime hours in just the first half of this week. My clients deserve dedication and the other caregivers have lives that need tending, so I have no qualms with pulling a few extra hours. It takes the edge off the guilt when I do take time off. Because, hey, I have a life too! Also, all of my clients are feisty, spit-fire, chain smoking old women, bursting with personality. They are all amazing people who deserve a bit of extra help. 

But, boy oh boy, do I come home tired. Remember that excuse, "I just took on two doubles at work. I deserve a break."? Yeah, it's going to get crossed off the list. I might be exhausted from housekeeping, errand running, tending, etc., but I still need to make time for exercise. I hope the list will dwindle down in time, and that one is the first to go. No excuses. 

Side note: Took Skye, the Labrador Retriever, to the dog park today after I got off work. If only the world could be as simple as sniffing a butt to make a new best friend. Walked several laps and chucked the tennis ball for her more times that I can count. My arm will most likely pay for it tomorrow. Tony would be proud. 

For now, I sleep. 

Skye the Wunderhund:

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