Sunday, November 20, 2011

A trip to the ER

Well...didn't weigh in today. I woke up around 5am with an intense pain in my lower back and abdomen. I had never woken up crying prior to today. After trying to deal with it for 45 minutes or so I asked my mom to drive me to the ER. All sorts of thoughts were flying through my mind, from appendicitis to kidney stones to ovarian cysts. All the symptoms fit, and I needed some professional help!

I've never had to have an IV before!

Turns out I had a pretty nasty kidney stone. It was easily one of the most painful experiences of my life thus far, coming in long dull, but intense, waves. So intense, I was vomiting, so they hooked me up to several liters of saline to keep my hydrated and to help pass the stone. After five hours of CT scans and blood draws in the ER, I'm now back in the comfort of my own home, napping and relaxing.

I sincerely hope I never have to deal with that again. 


  1. i'm sorry you gave up on the blog... I was hoping to read about your progress.

    1. I haven't given up, just fell off the wagon during the holidays, dear me. I'll be back up and running (literally, uggh)today and days following =)
