Monday, February 10, 2014

My Kitchen Monday: Easy Egg Scramble!

I love all things breakfasty! Breakfast burritos, easy over eggs, granola, yogurt, name it! Egg scrambles are simple enough, so let me show you how I make a low-calorie and protein dense scramble to keep you full!

1 whole egg
2 egg whites
1/3 yellow bell pepper
1/3 red bell pepper
1/3 orange bell pepper
1/4 cup chopped red onion

I spray my pan with a non-stick spray...I really need to get a new pan, you'll see in the picture it's turning permanently from white to brown, joy...and dump in all the veggies. I personally like them on the crunchier side, so I'll saute them hot and fast. Peppers and onions are a great source of natural fiber, which will help to keep you full. It's recommended that women younger than 50 years old take in approximately 25 grams of fiber daily, while those older than 50 should have around 21 grams per day. The soluble fiber contained in the veggies moves more slowly through the digestive tract, allowing for absorption of nutrients. It even helps to lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels.

While those warm up, I'll whisk one whole egg with two egg whites. Perhaps it's just my pan, but if I only use egg whites the scramble just crumbles apart! Plus, it's morning - you need the calories and protein. My combination of eggs comes to approximately 13.2 grams of protein out of the daily recommended 46 grams for adult women.

Look at that deliciousness (topped with some homemade salsa)!

All-in-all, without adding the salsa (since it's homemade I really can't estimate anything there) this comes to approximately: 
147 calories
14.1 g protein
2 g fiber
6.8 g sugar
5.1 g fat 
100% delicious!

I typically might eat this with a side of yogurt and chia seeds, which are a FANTASTIC source of nutrients! Fiber, protein, and aminos - oh my! 

Happy breakfasting!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Exciting news!!! Also, are you drinking enough water?

I have received my Level II occupational therapy fieldwork placements to take place from the end of June until mid-December! It's a well-rounded experience to be split between pediatrics and geriatrics. I couldn't be happier and more thankful for all the hard work done by my fieldwork coordinator. She has been incredible through this whole process, going out of her way to find facilities out of state for me.

Which means, after four and a half long years I will FINALLY be with Coastie! For those who might not know, we've been in a "long distance" relationship our ENTIRE relationship. The closest we've ever geographically achieved to one another would be an hour car ride + a 15 minute ferry. Yes, we had to ride a ferry if we wanted any time together.We started dating a few months prior to his departure to boot camp, and at first he was four hours from me, then that sweet hour fifteen, last year he was sent near the DC area for awhile, and as of right now - we're tolerating 4.5 hours until the "big move"!

I'm ecstatic, I'm jazzed, and sometimes I still cry random happy tears when I really think about what I'm going to have to do in the next few months for my relocation.

When I first found out, I was so full of adrenaline I couldn't stop shaking. Made for a great day at the gym!

Question of the day: Are you drinking enough water?

Approximately 60% of your body-weight consists of water, and that water is vital to your body functioning properly! Water helps to carry nutrients to the various cells and flushes your body of toxins. You are constantly losing water throughout the day through bodily functions, even breathing! You especially lose water through perspiration. That giant sweat you worked up at the gym is awesome, but don't forget that you need to replace what water you have lost.

Most people are familiar with the 8x8 rule: Eight 8oz glasses of water per day. It's not a bad rule to go by, and it's just shy of 2 liters. Another tip is to take half your body weight in ounces!
eg. I am 126 lb/2 = 63 oz = 1.9 Liters of water per day!

I have a .75 liter Camelbak water bottle that I try to fill 2-3 times each day. If you have a hard time remembering to stay hydrated and are technologically inclined, here are a few fun apps to try:

Android has Water Your Body, you can customize the portions to your liking and it tracks your water intake over time, all while giving you reminders throughout the day if you aren't drinking enough!
There are many similar apps for Android such as: Hydro drink water and Drinking Water

Apple has an app called WaterMinder. You can customize your personal stats and goals, and a little alarm will go off if you are behind on your intake!
Yet again, so many apps to choose from, like: WaterloggedDaily Water, or iDrated

Have a fantastic day and stay hydrated!