Sunday, July 13, 2014

Yeah, we pulled a 737. No biggie.

Last week Coastie and I were approached by another lifter in the gym, a man by the name of Larry.

"You look like a fit, fun-loving couple."

Firstly, did we seriously just reach fit couple status? I might have just squealed a little...a my head. Go us!

Moving on...

His next question for us was, "What are you doing this Saturday?"

Larry invited us to join his team for the Cleveland Plane Pull, an event that fund-raises and benefits Special Olympics Ohio! What a great cause, Coastie and I both know people who participate in the Special Olympics back in Michigan, why not support an awesome organization?!

Initially it was a casual encounter. What were we doing Saturday? Usually...laying on the couch with a cat watching movies together. Doing laundry. Cleaning up the apartment from a week's worth of chaos. Meal prepping for the week ahead. Mundane, typical, normal Saturday (sometimes Sunday if we really play bum on Saturday). We mulled it over for a day or so and registered shortly after. 

Pulling a plane? That's different!
A Boeing 737. That's big.
How do you even pull a plane? 
We were soon to find out!

We arrived at the I-X center next to Cleveland Hopkins International, ready to pull well over 100,000 lbs. Team Powerhouse was pumped and ready to go! New faces, people, and friends were made. We were underdogs, our first event - a team of 15 (5 people short of the experienced 20-man-teams that surrounded us).

Didn't phase us a bit. We were ready to rock and roll!

Team Powerhouse was last in the Men's Division to compete. We had the goal of being co-ed, but couldn't get enough female folk to join in. Alas, no matter! Our time came and we were given a practice pull with a rope attached to an airplane taxi. No problem, that sucker rolled like it was nothing. 

Photo property of Larry Schwandt

We were then called over to the main pull rope. We staggered ourselves along the line, hoping our strategic lineup might pay off. Strong men in front, anchors in back. Me? Put me where you want coach, I'm the smallest one here! My strength may be dwarfed by you lot, but I've got some force to contribute! I ended up 3/4 of the way down the line, just right. 

12 feet, that's how far we had to pull this sucker. 12 feet, as fast as we could. The horn sounded and our rope went taut. Forgoing gloves in favor of chalk, I could feel the coarse rope pulling at my palms. Was the plane moving, could I possibly pull with any more force? Hard to tell, but slowly I could see my feet gaining ground. We were moving and pulling a plane! This giant steel bird was rolling forward because of our combined strength. long have we been pulling? The finish horn hasn't sounded yet. It felt like ages, and then it sounded loud and clear. We had done it! We pulled the behemoth across the finish line and let our line go slack. 

15 people, 1 Boeing 737, 12 feet
8.64 seconds

Team Powerhouse did not place that day, but we pulled a plane and raised approximately $500 for Special Olympics Ohio. It was an awesome experience and I can't wait for the opportunity to do it again next year! 

Saturday, June 7, 2014

One Year Lifting-versary!

It has been approximately one year since I began my full commitment to well-being. This time last year, I was happy with my lifestyle improvements. I had, as attested by this blog, already began working on my journey towards healthy living. Overall, I was happy surrounded by good friends, having a blast starting my first fieldwork experience, and enjoying life in Kalamazoo. There wasn't much to complain about, but I knew I was in a rut of contentment.

There was that nagging feeling of dissatisfaction. Something was missing. Deep down, I knew I wasn't committing and pushing to be the healthiest person I could be. Try just one more time, right?

Starting the journey was difficult. It was full of fatigue and winey words. Excuses and procrastination. There were many times when my mind would throw in the towel long before my body needed to. One more rep? I couldn't possibly!

KT kept me accountable and consistent through talk and text. She was my gym buddy, my partner in crime, the one who pulled me into the weight room. She is now back in God's Country and... I MISS YOU! COME TO OHIO OR I WILL COME TO THE UP! /rant.

Then, over time, I saw improvement. I was grabbing the 15s instead of the 10s...then the 20s! I wasn't losing my breath as often. One more rep? How 'bout two?

There were certainly some humbling moments along the way...
  • The bench scooting away and nearly putting me into a split during Bulgarian lunges. How do you even bail out of that? You fall. It's not graceful. And dumbbells are louder than you think.

  • Falling backwards during squats with dumbbells. Started into a backwards somersault. Thought I was going to whip out a sweet ninja move, but got stuck halfway, bum in the air.

  • Trying to rack my bar after squats and just bouncing off the front of the squat rack instead. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. In this case, backwards. That one woke KT up.

  • Mid-leg press, I thought I could hold in my fart. If it was going to come out it would be quiet, right? Wrong. Not silent, definitely deadly.

And you know what? All of that was okay. Humiliating? Sure. Hilarious? You bet. Laugh it off and move on. Honestly, they're all little rights of passage in the end. No one is perfect in the beginning, and you need to expect there will be fumbles along the way. These moments are there to remind you to focus and push yourself towards improvement.

Today, I feel better than ever. I'm so happy with where I've pushed myself physically, mentally and emotionally. Lifting and leading a healthier lifestyle, especially when food is concerned, has changed me for the better. I'm still making mistakes, I still have farther to push, and I'm still learning. In fact, the learning will never stop - that's the exciting part! I can't wait to see where lifting will take me from here.

So cheers!
To year one and many more to come.

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Hello OH! Also - OW!

I've spent the last week traveling and setting into the apartment in Ohio. I'm fairly certain I could be considered a Tetris master after packing up my little car with as much as it could possibly hold (plus myself and the cat).

Speaking of - Schooner has settled nicely. A bit skittish at first, but he has quickly claimed a few of his favorite spots. Under each bed, in a round chair, bathroom counters... He's still getting used to being so high up - 14th floor baby! Plenty of cars and ant-like people to keep a watchful eye on. I suppose it makes up for the lack of bird watching he was getting so used to in Michigan.

Coastie wasted no time kicking my butt in the weight room. Obtaining a membership at the local gym was a priority Monday afternoon. Holy wow, am I feeling it?! Yes, yes I am. Haven't been lifting this heavy (and consistently) since before Christmas to be honest. Every time I stand to walk it's like I've dismounted from a horse after a day-long trail ride. Waddle, waddle...

My muscles scream first thing in the morning. I look arthritic trying to get out of the car. Any walking after prolonged periods of sitting is bad news bears. Trying to control my decent when I sit, instead of plopping down, is a challenge at times.


Though sore, I know I'll get through this initial "pain". That's the hard part of starting back up into a routine, I think. When you lift regularly, your body will recover quickly. When you take a break, your body will let you know how much it hates you when you start back up again. This to shall pass.

Life Pro Tip: Never take more than two rest days in a row.
To recover:
  • Drink a bucket-ton of water. There's no good reason to dehydrate yourself.
  • Initially after lifting, a cooler shower will help to reduce inflammation
  • In the morning, a hot shower to prepare muscles for stretching. Wet heat will reach the deepest, through skin, tissue and muscle, versus a dry heat like a heating pad.
  • Stretch!
  • Foam roll! Dear sweet baby Jesus - go out to Marshalls and get a $12 foam roller. It will work miracles and you'll wonder how you ever lived without it!
Amazing infographic piece on rolling:  

Foam Rolling Infographic
Get health and fitness tips at

Happy Lifting! 

Monday, April 28, 2014

Life is Chaotic and Moving is Bittersweet

No fitness and well-being related talk for today - just a sentimental post by a girl sad to leave Kalamazoo behind her, but thrilled for what the future may bring!

This city has grown on me these last few years. I found my place here. I showed the world, and myself, what I am capable of as and independent young woman. I, by myself and with friends, discovered all of the incredible things this city has to offer. There were many adventures to be had and still so many that lay undiscovered.

What will I miss? 
-My classmates
-The world's greatest gym buddy
-My best friend across the hallway
-The University Rec Center
-Art Hop
-Bells, Beer Exchange, Gonzo's, Old Dog...
-Waterstreet Coffee
-Lake Michigan
-Bank Street Farmer's Market
-Hometown Automotive
-All of the festivals downtown in the summer
...the list goes on, and on, and on...

What will I not miss? 
-poorly timed traffic lights
-pot holes
Can I just go for "Michigan roads" as my default answer?

These last few months have been filled with spastic completion of my last semester in the classroom. It's overwhelming to think we have come this far in our education, and even more so to think of what the next months will bring. I am moving on to my Level II fieldwork experience, which means moving to Ohio!

That's right. I am moving to "The Buckeye State". 

Upon which I will promptly don my Tigers jersey, #35, and cheer for them as they play the Indians at Progressive Field.

I will trade Lake Michigan sunsets for Lake Erie ones.

I will hang pictures of Mackinac on the walls.

I will show people where I come from by using my hands.

I will load my car with as much wine from the Leelanau  Peninsula and the Old Mission Peninsula  as I'm able.

Just kidding, I'm too poor for that. Student loans? Hellooooo...

I may be leaving the state, but thank goodness it's only a hop-skip-and-a-jump back to Michigander borders that hold friends and family. And the best part? Schooner and I will finally be with Coastie. Finally. No more LDR. No more nightly Facetime/Skype. No more fighting back tears while I drive away back to school. That heartache and most difficult part of our relationship gets to come to an end.

My new heartache? 

I've spent the last week taking things off the walls and shelves and putting them into boxes and bags. I've been filling holes with spackle and wiping out shelves and cupboards. Schooner? He's been hiding, scared of all the noise and movement he knows will inevitably lead to his containment in a carrier for a car ride.

Anxious cat, he knows his fate...

This coming Saturday is the first leg of the "Big Move", as I've dubbed it. I will have to make a few trips due to lots of stuff and only a little space. So please forgive the short post, ramblings, and lack of anything fitness-related. Once this move is through, you will hear from me on a much more regular basis - about my continued journey into well-being - the challenges, struggles, triumphs and delicious food.

For now, I go to pack more boxes and baste the turkey breast that will feed me for the next few days!

Live well everyone!

Monday, February 10, 2014

My Kitchen Monday: Easy Egg Scramble!

I love all things breakfasty! Breakfast burritos, easy over eggs, granola, yogurt, name it! Egg scrambles are simple enough, so let me show you how I make a low-calorie and protein dense scramble to keep you full!

1 whole egg
2 egg whites
1/3 yellow bell pepper
1/3 red bell pepper
1/3 orange bell pepper
1/4 cup chopped red onion

I spray my pan with a non-stick spray...I really need to get a new pan, you'll see in the picture it's turning permanently from white to brown, joy...and dump in all the veggies. I personally like them on the crunchier side, so I'll saute them hot and fast. Peppers and onions are a great source of natural fiber, which will help to keep you full. It's recommended that women younger than 50 years old take in approximately 25 grams of fiber daily, while those older than 50 should have around 21 grams per day. The soluble fiber contained in the veggies moves more slowly through the digestive tract, allowing for absorption of nutrients. It even helps to lower blood cholesterol and glucose levels.

While those warm up, I'll whisk one whole egg with two egg whites. Perhaps it's just my pan, but if I only use egg whites the scramble just crumbles apart! Plus, it's morning - you need the calories and protein. My combination of eggs comes to approximately 13.2 grams of protein out of the daily recommended 46 grams for adult women.

Look at that deliciousness (topped with some homemade salsa)!

All-in-all, without adding the salsa (since it's homemade I really can't estimate anything there) this comes to approximately: 
147 calories
14.1 g protein
2 g fiber
6.8 g sugar
5.1 g fat 
100% delicious!

I typically might eat this with a side of yogurt and chia seeds, which are a FANTASTIC source of nutrients! Fiber, protein, and aminos - oh my! 

Happy breakfasting!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Exciting news!!! Also, are you drinking enough water?

I have received my Level II occupational therapy fieldwork placements to take place from the end of June until mid-December! It's a well-rounded experience to be split between pediatrics and geriatrics. I couldn't be happier and more thankful for all the hard work done by my fieldwork coordinator. She has been incredible through this whole process, going out of her way to find facilities out of state for me.

Which means, after four and a half long years I will FINALLY be with Coastie! For those who might not know, we've been in a "long distance" relationship our ENTIRE relationship. The closest we've ever geographically achieved to one another would be an hour car ride + a 15 minute ferry. Yes, we had to ride a ferry if we wanted any time together.We started dating a few months prior to his departure to boot camp, and at first he was four hours from me, then that sweet hour fifteen, last year he was sent near the DC area for awhile, and as of right now - we're tolerating 4.5 hours until the "big move"!

I'm ecstatic, I'm jazzed, and sometimes I still cry random happy tears when I really think about what I'm going to have to do in the next few months for my relocation.

When I first found out, I was so full of adrenaline I couldn't stop shaking. Made for a great day at the gym!

Question of the day: Are you drinking enough water?

Approximately 60% of your body-weight consists of water, and that water is vital to your body functioning properly! Water helps to carry nutrients to the various cells and flushes your body of toxins. You are constantly losing water throughout the day through bodily functions, even breathing! You especially lose water through perspiration. That giant sweat you worked up at the gym is awesome, but don't forget that you need to replace what water you have lost.

Most people are familiar with the 8x8 rule: Eight 8oz glasses of water per day. It's not a bad rule to go by, and it's just shy of 2 liters. Another tip is to take half your body weight in ounces!
eg. I am 126 lb/2 = 63 oz = 1.9 Liters of water per day!

I have a .75 liter Camelbak water bottle that I try to fill 2-3 times each day. If you have a hard time remembering to stay hydrated and are technologically inclined, here are a few fun apps to try:

Android has Water Your Body, you can customize the portions to your liking and it tracks your water intake over time, all while giving you reminders throughout the day if you aren't drinking enough!
There are many similar apps for Android such as: Hydro drink water and Drinking Water

Apple has an app called WaterMinder. You can customize your personal stats and goals, and a little alarm will go off if you are behind on your intake!
Yet again, so many apps to choose from, like: WaterloggedDaily Water, or iDrated

Have a fantastic day and stay hydrated!

Monday, January 27, 2014

New Year, New Look, and "My Kitchen Monday"

It seemed fitting with the start of the new year that I should change things up a bit!

It's also been awhile since I shared a recipe with you fine folks! So I'm going to make an attempt (at least every other Monday) to share something I've made. These will be recipes with healthy twists or perhaps something I enjoy in moderation! If you look at my Instagram, it quickly becomes clear that I love playing around in the kitchen. 

Today? Tomato-less turkey lasagna! Use a tomato base if you truly wish, but I have just come off a stretch of venison chili. I had made so much that I ended up freezing most of it. Needing a break from tomato for awhile, I tried this recipe and modified it a bit. Here we go...

Collect your ingredients!
  • 1/2 lb ground turkey
  • 1 container baby bella mushrooms
  • 2 small cooking onions
  • 1 package chopped frozen spinach
  • 1 TB minced garlic
  • 2 TB olive oil
  • -1/2 container small curd cottage cheese
  • 1/2 bag shredded mozzarella
  • 1 box no-boil lasagna noodles
  • salt and pepper to taste
Cut up mushrooms and onions. Begin sauteing onions with olive oil and garlic on the stove until soft. While cooking, make sure spinach is thawed and excess water has been squeezed out.  

Add mushrooms and spinach! Cover and cook for ~5 minutes on medium.

My pan wasn't quite big enough, so I took the veggies out so I could cook my ground turkey meat. If you so desire, add tomato after the turkey is browned, and cook down to thicken!

While that's going I combine half the container of cottage cheese with half a bag of mozzarella. Ricotta cheese is typically used instead of cottage, but I'm on the budget of a graduate student - and really there's not that much of a taste difference. If you want, you can also add one well-beaten egg here. It helps the cheese bind together when cooking, but is not crucial to the process.

Once the turkey is cooked, mix it all together!

Start layering in your pan with the turkey-veggie mix! Many people start with a layer of noodles on the bottom, but I spared myself the extra noodle-age and calories.

 Layer your noodles, cracking them for coverage as needed. Then a thin layer of your cheese mixture. Mmm, cheese! Then noodles, and turkey-veggies, noodles, and cheese! 

Bake at 350 for ~40 minutes, or until nice and brown on the top! If you didn't use an egg, let the lasagna sit for about 15 minutes to give time for the cheese to set, or else it will just ooze out all over the place like a grilled cheese you just cut into.


Happy Monday folks, and happy cooking! 

Sunday, January 26, 2014

It's okay to take a break, but feels great to be back in the game.

Hey all! After a long (and much needed) break over the holidays, I'm back!

I took this holiday season as an opportunity to focus more on friends, family, and food than getting into the gym. Sometimes it's not all about working out, but more about moderation and priorities - and that's okay!

I have no more dearly-loved holidays than Thanksgiving and Christmas. I. Love. Food. I love holiday food! It's one of those times of the year where I get to enjoy things that are typically not part of my diet.
Oven roasted turkey, super creamy mashed potatoes, spinach dip, clam dip, buffalo dip, so many dips it's unreal! Love me a good dip.

When I first started my journey, I was strictly counting calories. I needed to! At that point, I was wholly uneducated in accurate caloric intake and what my body needed. It's okay to calorie count in the beginning. It gives you an idea of your ideal portion sizes, meals per day, etc. Once you get the hang of things, it's easier (and faster) to eyeball things. Everything in moderation! That was the idea this holiday season.

After each holiday meal I noticed something. I didn't have as much on my plate as years past. I wasn't going back for seconds...or thirds...or fourths (oh yeahhh). I knew what my body needed, and that consisted of delicious home-cooked meals from grandma's secret recipes, surrounded by family and great conversation. I was happy, I was full, and I didn't feel restricted. My moderation was becoming my norm.

Except for clam dip. That sh*t's like crack. Don't even try to make me limit my clam dip intake. I only make it once a year, and all rules are off once I have a bag of kettle cooked potato chips in my hand.

Long story short. I made it through the holidays without feeling like I've lost all the progress I made. Sure, I didn't make it to the gym, but the gym's not going anywhere. I didn't dedicate myself to exercise like I have in months past, but that's okay. I spent time with loved ones, they were my priority. Instead of counting reps or calories, I loosely moderated what was going on my plate without thinking about it to much.

And guess what? Going back to the gym this month wasn't as scary as it once was. In fact, I now feel more in charge of myself than ever. KT and I are back in the swing of things in the weight permitting. Currently covered in snow and the roads are crap! Michigan winter is upon us.

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season!