Here's a rough skeleton of what KT and I do at the university rec center each week (provided work, school, and life in general don't get in the way). This certainly isn't set in stone, and we frequently introduce different lifts into our routine so we don't plateau. Each exercise is typically 10 reps 3X each OR lifting heavy to fatigue 3X. When it comes to the weight, find what feels good (but challenging) to you!
Sunday - Cardio 30 min
One or more of the following:
Rowing machine
Any HIIT really!
Monday - Bi/Tri/Shoulder
Incline bicep curls
Alternating deltoid raise
Overhead tricep extensions
Skull crushers
Dumbbell Arnold press
Hammer curls
Assisted dips (someday we'll be able to do real dips!)
Machine preacher curls
Close grip bench press
Overhead shoulder dumbbell press
Tuesday - Chest/Back/Cardio
Standard bench press
Bent over row
Machine chest fly
Incline bench press
Decline bench press
Machine back row
Machine back pull down
Bent over two-arm long bar row
Wed - Legs
Dumbbell lunges (forward and reverse)
Weighted bridge
Barbell squat
Barbell wide squat
Standard leg press
Wide leg press
Calves (on the leg press machine - for me and KT it's the most comfortable and feels the most effective than other options like dumbells or that silly machine that sits the weight on your shoulders)
Machine side leg raises and adduction
Thursday - Bi/Tri/Shoulder
See Monday ;)
Friday - Chest/Back/Cardio
See Tuesday ;)
Saturday - REST
There you have it! A basic and flexible idea of what we do each week, I'm probably forgetting a few things here and there. We might not get to everything on the list depending on the day. A lot of the time we add random new things to mix it up and keep it interesting. If we still feel pretty good after a day of lifting, we do abs prior to cardio. I like to plank before bed, even though the cat gets all up in my business. These days frequently get rearranged. Sometimes rest-day is Friday or Sunday, depending on circumstance. Never feel guilty for missing a workout (or two, or get the idea)! Never feel like you've strayed from your path! And it's never too late to start!
Try just one more time - Happy Lifting!